
Confidence and menopause

Women’s bodies experience many changes in life from pregnancy through to menopause and with each change comes new little challenges that women need to overcome. From hot flushes to mood swings an...

How does menopause affect bladder control

Menopause causes hormone changes, such as the reduction of oestrogen, that affects the abdominal muscles and allows the bladder to shift position slightly, making the pelvic floor muscles less ef...

Nutrition and lifestyle tips for menopause

Walking, yoga, and other regular exercise may ease some of your menopause symptoms including your mood. In general, exercise is excellent to keep the rest of your muscles fit and active to help s...

Why the natural changes of menopause

Whether you’re in your late 40s, your early 50s, or even closer to 60, going through menopause can be a difficult time. You may suffer one or all of the symptoms of mood swings, irrational feelin...