The female body goes through a million wonderful, crazy and mysterious changes during pregnancy.

As your baby grows, it puts pressure on your bladder, so a sneeze, cough or even a hearty laugh can tip the scales for you to experience bladder control loss.

Firstly during pregnancy, any soon-to-be mother's body requires more blood and nutrients than usual. This is why pregnant women have strange cravings. However, it also means you get thirsty, so drink more. For some pregnant women, the hormones racing around in your body can slightly change the signals from your bladder to brain, and the urgent feeling can come on very quickly. With a full bladder from drinking the extra fluid, bladder weakness can often occur.

Bladder Weakness is a common condition while pregnant.

Most pregnant women experience bladder weakness in the third trimester, when the baby has grown so much they are pressed up against your bladder. This not only puts more pressure on it, but also reduces the amount of urine the bladder can hold, making you want to urinate more often. All the extra weight pressing down on your pelvic floor muscles weakens them, so consequently,bladder control loss happens.

Be sure to talk to your doctor or health care professional as they will help you to control and manage your bladder weakness appropriately during your pregnancy.

See our Poise® Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips to help pregnant women manage and control their Bladder Weakness.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from a qualified health care professional with any questions regarding your concerns.